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Travel Pharmacy for Namibia and Safety Tips

Anna & Tom

Updated: Nov 28, 2024

These are the essential medications to take with you on a trip to Namibia! Based on potential risks and hazards, we’ve created a Namibia travel pharmacy guide to help ease the planning for your next African adventure.

Medikamente für Urlaub in Asien

This is, of course, just our personal recommendation. Some may manage with fewer items, while others might want to add a few extras as needed.

It's essential to assemble your travel pharmacy well in advance, as buying medications abroad often comes with the risk of not finding exactly what you need or having to rely on unknown alternatives.

At the end of the article, you’ll find more helpful travel and safety tips for your holiday in Namibia!


Table of Contents


1. Medication for Nausea, Diarrhea, and Stomach Issues

Namibia has different hygiene standards compared to Germany, and the local cuisine might not always agree with you, which can cause mild health issues that may interfere with your trip. To be prepared, we always carry the following medications:

2. Medication for Headaches, Fever, and Sore Throat

A long flight in a heavily air-conditioned plane can lead to a sore throat, which is especially frustrating if you feel sick before you even arrive. We always pack throat lozenges in our carry-on for precaution. Make sure you also pack:

3. Disinfection, Plasters, and Bandages

We never go on a trip without blister plasters. You’re likely to be more active on holiday than at home, so even well-worn shoes can rub. We’re also prepared for minor injuries with the following:

4. Sun Protection

The sun can be intense, especially at midday, in Namibia. So, good sun protection (sunscreen and headgear) is essential.

5. Insect Protection

Protection against insect bites is also crucial in Namibia. Nowadays, insect-repellent clothing is available (for men and women), which is very convenient.

  • Insect spray containing DEET (e.g., No-Bite)

  • Insect repellent spray for clothing (also by No-Bite)

6. Protection from Climatic Conditions

Namibia’s dry climate can quickly dry out your skin. We highly recommend bringing:

7. How to Travel Safely in Namibia

As mentioned, Namibia is a relatively safe travel destination. However, you should always keep valuables with you and avoid being alone in cities like Windhoek at night. It’s better to take a taxi, even for short distances.

If you’re driving yourself, always lock your car and avoid leaving valuables visible. Road conditions vary; while larger cities have paved roads, rural areas often have dusty, gravel, or sand roads with ruts or even large potholes. Be mindful of road conditions, avoid speeding, and only drive during daylight.

Lastly, remember that Namibia has left-hand traffic!


Want more insights into our travels? Then check out our Instagram profiles at tom_rbg_ and anna_rbg_! And if you have any questions about the routes, feel free to reach out to us directly through those channels!


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